Hitting highway 19 north in East Texas, in the middle of the day on a hot Friday in July. I drop Callie and Cassie off at their Aunt Tenny's house to have some fun swimming with cousins for the weekend, while I continue on north to Oklahoma. I was anxious to get to my friend Carlee's house in Okemah. We were ready to have our much needed girls weekend.
Stacy, Christy & Carlee |
Carlee had set up our fun weekend with Fired Up Outdoors Bowfishing. We met up with our other friends Stacy and Melissa in Mclntosh County Oklahoma at Lake Eufaula. Chris with Fired Up Outdoors was waiting for us at 9pm for us to board his boat and take us out on the lake to go bow fishing!
Stacy, Carlee, Christy, & Melissa |
The weather was perfect, not too hot and not even a cloud in the sky. I kept just looking straight up at all the stars in the big Oklahoma sky, it was just beautiful. There were a lot of campers and party goers setting off beautiful fireworks well past midnight. It felt like a little firework show just for us. I had forgotten the 4th of July was on a Wednesday this year and it seems like people have been out here camping for the whole week. The water was really stir'ed up and murky from the past weeks activities. The fireworks were pretty loud too. We didn't see much the first couple hours, but after midnight the action started to pick up.
My very first fish with a bow! |
The other ladies had all bow fished before, but this was my first time. It was hard for me to tell my brain to not aim right at the fish, to aim a foot below it instead. It was also a challenge to shoot at a moving target. I was hoping that carp would turn broadside and stay still, but unfortunately they did not like to do that. They were tricky little buggers that can swim pretty fast! It was almost like Dove hunting with the Dove swooping and diving missing your bullets. Those carp can move past your arrow pretty fast!
Carlee |
We all stood up on the plat form staring down into the water with a lot of intent. All four of us were there for one reason, and that was to try our very best to shoot as many carp as we could.
Melissa |
The party goers and campers were starting to quiet down after midnight, and things were nice and still. We were trolling around the banks and we were all concentrating and focused looking into the water. All of a sudden a Pterodactyl flew out of the bushes screeching trying to grab me and haul me off! Well maybe not grab me and haul me off, and maybe not a pterodactyl. But pretty close and it scared us to death! lol!
Stacy |
Then another time during the night, same thing. All quiet and we are all concentrating looking into the water and a loud bang on top of the water scared us to death! I said, "Now what the heck was that!" Chris our captain said it was a beaver slapping his tail on top of the water. First time for that one for me! Wow what a startle lol!
Melissa and Carlee team shooting! |
I saw several snakes swimming by. I always just thought snakes swam on the top of the water, but this one I was watching dove straight down and deep into the water until I couldn't see it any longer. That was pretty cool.
Chris asked us if we wanted to listen to some music, we were like, "Yeah sounds great." He got his phone out and the song, Money For Nothing by, Dire Straits started playing. You know it starts off slow and he is singing softly, I want my MTV. Then the music gets fast. That is when the fish started coming out! It was crazy! The other crazy thing is that Chris' phone after the first 27 seconds would stop and said it was having technical difficulties. Then we would replay it and the same thing would happen each time! Get past the slow beginning to where the music got faster and the fish would come out! We were like, just keep doing it, it works! That was pretty funny and that song will never be the same. It is my new favorite song and I am going to be playing that a lot!
Stacy, Christy, Carlee, & Melissa |
About 4:30am Chris pulls us back up to were we had parked our trucks. He took our photo for us with our prize carp that we shot. We had a lot of fun, I am so glad Carlee arranged this weekend and that we were able to pull an all nighter. A lot of laughter, a lot of try, a lot of heart with this group of ladies. I cant wait to do this again.
Melissa had to drive home and go to work, we drove back to Carlees house as the sun was starting to come out. I got to lay down for a few hours but then had to get back on the road and head back south to Texas. I don't mind driving, I like turning the radio up and listen to some good music. It gives me time to just chill and think. As I was driving home, I was thinking how lucky I am and how much I love my life. I have some good friends, good adventures, and a good husband and kids that encourage me to have my girls nights out's with my friends.
Cousins |
On my way home I stopped at Aunt Tenny's house to pick up the girls. Of course they were in the pool enjoying every second of their weekend too. Hamburgers, hot dogs, waffles and popsicals, Aunt Tenny had them all taken care of all weekend with good eats and treats!