Saturday, August 3, 2019

Project Painting Kitchen Cabinets and Front Door Turquoise My Favorite Color.

Turquoise my all time favorite color and piece of jewelry to wear.

Google Turquoise and you may find this;

     What does turquoise mean spiritually?  The color turquoise is associated with meanings of refreshing, feminine, calming, sophisticated, energy, wisdom, serenity, wholeness, creativity, emotional balance, good luck, spiritual grounding, friendship, love, joy, tranquility, patience, intuition, and loyalty.

Wow!  I need all this as much as possible!
I really like these next two also;

Is turquoise good luck? Turquoise is said to possess many powers.  It is considered a healing and protective stone that enhances courage in the wearer.  It is also said to attract love, friendship, money and luck... A proverbs states, "Given by a loving hand it brings with it happiness and good fortune."

What does turquoise mean in Native American culture? "Turquoise, Water, Sky;  The stone and its meaning, stands for water and for sky, for bountiful harvests, health and protection," said Maxine McBrinn, curator of Archaeology at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture.

You can google many more meanings and different kinds of turquoise.  I have made several necklaces with turquoise and when Billy use to ride broncs I made him a very thin small beaded turquoise necklace to help keep him safe.  I am glad he wore it.  I need to order some more of those small turquoise beads and make new necklaces for all of us to wear at all times! The

     We live in an old farm house in East Texas.  It sits up on a hill and I call it our "Little House on the Prairie" house.  I love it, but our kitchen is a little small, but that is ok.  I love my really nice heavy duty cabinets but I want to freshen them up and add some energy to them.
I start by taking off the drawer pulls and door handles.
I got a damp soapy rag and wiped them all down and got all the spider webs off.
Then I started painting with primer.  I had gone to Walmart on my lunch break and I had planed on buying a white primer but all they had was a light grey so I bought that.  It really turned out a lot better than a white, so I am already getting lucky and I haven't even started painting the turquoise yet!

After painting the Grey Primer on all the cabinets, I then just used my turquoise craft paint from Walmart.  I have a hard time picking out colors but I knew this was the color I wanted.  I figured it would be ok since it is indoors.  So far I have not had a problem.  I added the turquoise color kind of with a dry stroke in some places and a little thicker in other places.  After that dried I ran my sander over all of it.  I concentrated on the corners to distress them more.  I did not want my paint job to be perfect.  The more imperfect the better.  This is the easiest way to paint for me anyway.  That didn't seem like enough distress so I got an old can of stain we had used on another project.  I dipped an old rag into it and kind of rubbed it on the corners and in different places to help give the perfect distress and change some of the turquoise colors different shades.   

I finished the base cabinets and the wall cabinets and I was going to buy new hardware for the door handles and drawers.  I went to several different stores and even looked online but could not find anything I really cared for.  So I ended up just putting the old outdated ones back on.  But to my new found good luck, the old ones kind of looked cool and a bit retro.  They ended up being perfect!

The next project here in the kitchen is the counter tops.  We already have the new counter tops stored down in the barn right now.  I am just waiting for when Billy has some time to install them.  I may live on top of the hill in my little house on the prairie but I am going to have some pretty granite counter tops.  I can wait for the new updated look to go with my newly energized cabinets!
While I am waiting for my new granite counter tops to be installed one of these days.  I had an idea to paint the nasty, supposed to be white, but all stained up from dogs, kids and hard working cowboys, front door.   
What color, I am sure you are wondering, that I am considering to paint this poor abused door?  You are right, turquoise!!  I did not want to use the craft paint this time since this is very heavily used and being exterior, I needed something a little stronger.   This time on my lunch break I ran to Sherwin Williams.  I got a can of white primer and a can of turqouise paint called Aquarium.  I started with removing the door handle and deadbolt. 
 Then I painted the outside and inside of the door with the white primer.
I waited until the next evening when I got home from work and painted one coat of the turquoise paint.  The following day after work again, I painted the second coat of turquoise color. 
The third day home from work I used the stain to add some distress.
  The forth day at lunch I went to Ace Hardware and found a kit that included the door handle and deadbolt.  When I got home that evening I replaced the door handle and deadbolt.  That was a little frustrating because I didn’t think it should be that confusing.  But I have a box full of extra parts.  As long as the door closes shut and locks I am good with it.  

Sometimes I paint something and then after a while I think, I shouldn’t have painted it that color.  But, not this time, I am so glad I painted both the kitchen cabinets and the front door turquoise.  Every time I see them, I think I should have done that a long time ago.  Yes I love the energy it gives off and it brightens it up.  Until the next project..... 

Now it is time to update the counter tops, and a little extra something on the accent wall and the stove back splash.

Billy and our nephew Andrew for my birthday, took the old counter tops off and removed the kitchen sink.

It got a little messy and dusty as they had to cut the hole out to put the kitchen sink back in.

A perfect cut and fit!  Wow that granite is so heavy!!!  This put thick dust everywhere, but a bucket of soap and water cleaned it up good!

I had a bunch of scrap 1x4's and I painted a few the same color as the cabinets and stained some another color.  I had this vision in my head and again I was hoping it would turn out as good as it was in my head.  We used a nail gun and it went pretty easily.  It was turning out just liked I hoped for!
I was needing a backsplash behind the stove for a long time.  I was thinking tin for a long time but once we started on this back wall I knew exactly what needed to go here!

I am so happy with how my Little House on the Prairie Farm House Kitchen turned out!!

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